
Forget about seductive underwear: this piece of clothing will significantly improve your sexual relationship!

Research has shown that women who wear this item of clothing are 80 percent more likely to climax!

Internet users are complaining that they consider men who wear socks during sex to be "peasants". And it has probably already happened to you that you are in in a rush of passion she forgot to take off her socks? They remember that yours is back then intercourse was BOMBASTI-Č-EN, but they don't know that they were there for that, among other things also deserves socks!

Scientists are interested in countless things and apparently "farmers" know what they are doing :), because the researchers have done research, in which they were looking for an answer to the question of why desirable, Yes wear socks during the campaign.

Socks up!
Socks up!

Scientists have measured what happens in the brain during sex, if you wear socks and they came to the conclusion that it is 80 % couples climaxed (much easier) when wearing socks compared to those couples who did not wear socks - only 50 % barefoot couples climaxed.

And the reason is quite simple - socks they warm the feet, as a result of which the veins on the legs expand and improves blood flow – this not only helps you fall asleep faster, but also increases and improves your chances of climaxing. The socks are also said to have a positive effect on turning off the parts of the brain that control anxiety and fear. The head of the research, Gert Holstege, said that this is a normal response of the body, because it will be difficult for you to experience climax if you are afraid.

This rule of course applies if you will wear clean socks, because the ones you spent the whole day in, they can have just the opposite effect. 🙂

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