
Framed Tech – framed technology

Framed Tech - framed technology

Can't part with technological devices that have been run over by time? You just can't throw away your old console or phone because it holds too many memories for you? Then why are they rolling around in drawers and in the attic? Frame them! Or let them do it at Framed Tech, where famous tech gadgets are stripped down to prime factors and framed as pictures.

Do you have any outdated or obsolete technological device, which you can't separate yourself from, but at the same time it's in your way? The solution is company 'images' Framed Tech. This one to prime factors exhibits recognizable technological devices such as Atari, Play Station, controllers and iPhone, arranges them on the surface and frames them.

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So now you can technology icons just hang up on the wall and you show them off proudly, instead of rolling around in some drawer or attic, waiting in vain for better times.

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