
Frassanelle: an estate for lovers near Venice

Photo: Booking.com

In the heart of Evgeniski Hribovje, not far from Venice, there is a beautiful estate, extremely popular among newlyweds.

Only 50 kilometers away from the Venetian canals is an estate of more than 200 hectares that once belonged to a wealthy family Papafava dei Carraresi. Nowadays, the place is popular among lovers, who like to choose the romantic image of the estate and its facilities wedding celebration.

There are three holiday villas and five luxury apartments on the property, which are located in buildings with an enviable history. You can choose between apartments for two, four or five people. All accommodations boast a view of the beautiful park, which was designed by the family in the 19th century and where you can admire plants from all over the world.

Famous places like Padua, Venice and Verona, are just a drive away from the property, so you can spend the day exploring the romantic city centers and indulge yourself in the evening excellent cuisine and wine offer. There are excellent facilities available for guests to spend their free time golf courses and large swimming pool. There is also an artificial cave on the property, which testifies to the power and wealth of the family.

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