
The phrase "be a man" destroys men: This is the reason why it is difficult for men to show their feelings

Photo: envato

Why do men seem to have a harder time expressing their feelings than women? Is it the influence of social norms or perhaps biological differences?

The different ways of expressing emotions between men and women has long been a subject of debate. Although individuals are different and among men there are those who openly express their feelings, there is a belief that men do this less often than women.

This difference is not necessarily innate, but is often shaped by social expectations and patterns of behavior that individuals acquire throughout life.

Understanding men's emotions

One of the most common frustrations expressed by women in relationships is that they feel like their partners don't care because they don't get adequate feedback about their feelings. However, this is not necessarily true. Statistics show that men feel it too depression, anxiety and other mental health problems.

The difference is in how they express these feelings.

Men feel. Photo: Pixabay

More than 30 % men experience depression at least once in their lifetime, with 9 % reporting daily feelings of anxiety. Although society often encourages men to hide their emotions, it is important to recognize that they are subject to the same mental health challenges as women.

Social pressures and expectations

Phrases like “be a man” are deeply rooted in culture and put pressure on men to act strongly and unwaveringly. Men, especially younger ones (18-34 years old), report that they feel expected to appear masculine. A Movember survey found that as many as 47 % young men feel pressure to maintain their image masculinity.

Because of these societal expectations, men often express their feelings through anger, irritability or even aggression, while women are more likely to verbalize their sadness. Understanding these differences can help us overcome the barriers men face in expressing their emotions.

Inability to verbalize emotions

One of the main reasons men find it harder to express their feelings is that no one has shown them how to do it. From a young age, many are raised to be solid and callous, leading to an inability to recognize or express their inner distress. As a result, many men hide their feelings and appear to be emotionally unavailable.

We're all just human. Photo: Pixabay

Women often feel freer to express their emotions, while men prefer to keep their pain to themselves. This can have a negative impact on their mental health. Open communication about these issues is key to improving a man's emotional well-being.

Biological factors

Men and women also have biological differences that affect how they process emotions. The female brain has a larger corpus callosum, the part of the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres, which allows women to make a better connection between thinking and feeling. Men, on the other hand, often have problems coordinating thoughts and emotions, which makes it difficult to talk about emotionally charged topics.

Helping men express their emotions

Although there are biological and social differences between men and women, it is important to understand that men can develop the ability to express their emotions. With open conversations about mental health and by breaking stereotypes we can create an environment where they will feel more relaxed and safely, when they will express their feelings. With this, we can contribute to better understanding and mutual respect between by gender.

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