
Free advice from psychologists that you otherwise pay for

Free advice from psychologists that you otherwise pay for

Almost every person who has visited a psychologist at least once has heard some of these free tips that you otherwise pay for.

Visiting a psychologist is a taboo subject, which also in modernity stirs the spirits. There can be many reasons why people seek professional help countless and it is not your job to judge people.

The fact that it would be good to talk to yourself, before you go to see a psychologist, it is irrefutable, experts say. Because even there you can hear a lot of advice that is completely free!


"Most of your problems come from childhood."

There are many theories about impact childhood and parents on the functioning of the individual in later years. Psychologists say yes you will take a big step in accepting yourself, if you find out and you understand, why parents did certain things and forgive them.

"The problem is in your head."

Worrying about why people treated you badly is useless, say experts - you have a hard time explaining other people's actions, as everyone grew up in a different environment and had different experiences. When you try to understand the reasons for what a certain person does, this way only you are facing problems, that you create yourself.

"Talk about your feelings more often, don't blame people."

When you accuse other people, they will try to defend and protect themselves. Experts advise yes express your feelings, because in this way you will offer the person you are "attacking" the opportunity to fix the situation, give your opinion and maintain your dignity.

"Take care of yourself and don't worry about other people's opinions."

Comparing yourself to others is useless habit, experts say. Everyone has their own unique peculiarities, which he must Express and make the most of it. Being infatuated with a certain person is not the same as copying that person's life, because that destroys your own life.

"Set your goals and don't let anyone stop you."

People are often tempted by psychologists find solutions for their relationships with other people, such as children, bosses, relatives or friends. Psychologists tend to say that you need to determine where your boundaries are. If a certain person has a bad attitude towards you, nothing will change. If protect your borders, but you will the opponent at least began to respect.

"Don't torture yourself, but be friends with yourself."

Experts say people need to be willing to admit defeat and accept yes they cannot influence everything – do not think about things indefinitely; don't take the time you spend analyzing your mistakes as wasted time, because it means you're thinking about past experiences and this time you're ready to choose the right decision.

“Think about the experience you got.”

Every one stressful situation it means you've stepped out of your comfort zone. But it also means that you are acquired a new one experience, that will help you every time you find yourself in a similar situation in the future.

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