
Free event My best day

On Saturday, June 13, 2013, an all-day charity event for children and adults will take place at Kongresnemtrgu, with the help of which we want to achieve that, at least for one day, you can put aside all your worries and indulge in pampering, fun and learning. Money is not an obstacle, because on this day only the heart gives and receives, so all the workshops are on...

Important information
Congress square, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free event!

On Saturday, June 13, 2013, the Congress will take place
trg held an all-day charity event for children and adults, with the help of which we want to achieve that, at least for one day, you can put aside all your worries and let yourself go
pampering, fun and learning.

Money is not an obstacle, because on this day only the heart gives and receives, so all workshops are offered free of charge.
The world can surprise you, just let it!

Join us and open your heart.

MY BEST DAY - A day of dreams come true for families and individuals

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