
Free Hug Sofa – an armchair that shares hugs

Free Huge Sofa

Did you know that hugging can prevent colds and lower blood pressure? Research shows that hugs are not only good for mental health, but also for physical health. Psychologists claim that we need at least four hugs a day, but knowing that this is not always possible in practice, the Free Hug Sofa is here to give you a hug whenever you want it.

Free Hug Sofa is a "comatose" armchair that shares hugs. They were leaning on each other's hands two plush hands. Arms of the sofa, reminiscent of Sulley, a character from the animated movie Monsters in the Closet, are not really meant to hug, but to warm the wearer and find a comfortable place to rest.

READ MORE: A sofa made of cardboard that swings like a swing and assembles 1, 2, 3.

Free Hug Sofa is available in different colors, and its designer Eun Kyoung Lee designed it for the award competition A' Design Awards.

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