
FREE Pool 8

Winter has not yet said the last word, although we already have calendar spring. With spring, in addition to higher temperatures, the long-awaited adrenaline weekend at Krvavac - the traditional Luža, which will take place from April 5 to 7. A relaxed atmosphere and fun will be provided with DJs, a snow bar, a BBQ and...

Important information
Krvavec ski resort beach, Krvavec ski resort
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Winter has not yet said the last word, although we already have calendar spring. With spring, in addition to higher temperatures, the long-awaited adrenaline weekend at Krvavac - the traditional Luža, which will take place from April 5 to 7. A relaxed atmosphere and fun will be provided with DJs, a snow bar, a BBQ and board games on the snow.

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