
Fresh Relationship Pitfalls: 4 Mistakes to Avoid

Being in love stuns you so that despite all your will and experience, you can still be naive and foolishly in love.

The first few weeks of dating are exciting and fun. They like each other. That scary first date is just a distant memory. The chemistry between you two is great. Whenever you think of that person, you are happy. If you really like someone and want to continue with them, check what they are the most common mistakes in fresh relationships, which are good to avoid, lest one of you run far, far away.


You often fall into the same relationship patterns, which you have had in the past. To some extent, in the beginning, we all play to feel like we have everything under control and to protect ourselves from rejection. Let's watch our ego. But all this does not lead to a healthy and good relationship, does it?

Men they usually have set rules about how long they wait to text or call a woman after the first date. They are also known for saying things that they think women want to hear.
Women they often start doing activities that men do to feel like they belong in his life. What about your activities? Did you forget about them? There's nothing wrong with going fishing with him, for example, because you've never been before, but don't go just because you think it pleases him. If they see any future in the relationship, they should be open with each other, this is the beginning. No lies and no pretense. Talk about everything, even trivial things.

If you see any future in the relationship, you need to be open with each other, that's the start.
If you see any future in the relationship, you need to be open with each other, that's the start.


Falling in love and hers the honeymoon phase it could also be called a time of temporary madness. High levels of oxytocin coursing through our bodies and brains create a kind of euphoria, which we feel at that moment. And we really can't think straight. That's the time when we put on rose-colored glasses, dream, fantasize about life together.

If you find yourself constantly thinking about the future, realize that you are you may be creating unrealistic expectations. Wait until you spend more time with this person get to know each other better, to see how it behaves, reacts in different situations, before you build castles in the clouds. Before you become strongly attached to this person and attribute qualities that they do not have. Reality can be cruel sometimes.


Nothing kills a relationship quite like that doubts and expectations. You have probably waited many times and looked at the phone for when the person will text you or call you, and when you didn't, your mind started to predict, asking countless questions. Today's technology and the ability to communicate at the push of a button is great until you include expectations.

Let's say yes you write your partner a question about an evening date and expect an answer immediately, because you assume he always has his phone with him. You don't really know why he doesn't respond. You constantly look at your phone and wonder what it's doing that it can't answer a simple question. Then you assume he doesn't want to talk to you. You wonder who he is with, what he is doing, if something has happened to him... By the time he answers you, you are completely upset and finally on your nerves.

Maybe your partner has a different idea of what it is acceptable response time. Just because you have a belief or desire that he should respond immediately, or because you do, do not expect or assume that the other person must behave in the same way.

Your partner may have a different idea of what is an acceptable response time to your message.
Your partner may have a different idea of what is an acceptable response time to your message.


If you agree on a date and the person doesn't show up without giving a reason, walk away. I would break up in any case, sooner rather than later. Sometimes the warnings are different, say political views, or something quite simple, say you have a dog. Sometimes you think they will change because of you. No, they won't, don't dream.

No matter how much you love your partner, and even though you are in the honeymoon phase, you must know deep down, is there a future. It's better to break up than to convince yourself that you have it, even though you know deep down that you don't. You can't live a dream. Dreams are not reality.
WE'RE ALL ONLY HUMAN, and chances are you'll make some of these mistakes, whether you're aware of your thoughts or not. Maybe you will be in a relationship with a person who will not be what they seemed to be. Nevermind. You can't completely control infatuation and love - ever. They will turn your world upside down and the person on your mind.

If the relationship is not right, you will learn something new from it. If you've made mistakes, you know you don't want to repeat them, and you'll react differently next time. We are all only human!

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