After a year and a half forced party break, the #FUKSi festival continues its pre-corona peak: the queen of Neapolitan techno, Deborah De Luca, returns, and the night before, Ljubljana will be rocked by the high-octane Siddharta.
Let's refresh our memory: #FUKSi – Festival of Urban Culture Slovenia is a music festival organized by the agency Collegium Mondial Travel, it reaches its peak during the summer in the capital, and with supporting attractive events, it also occasionally flourishes in smaller bites in various places around Slovenia. We were treated to the last one shortly before the corona shutdown of social life, when the techno valkyra rocked Ljubljana with a sold-out performance in Cvetličarna Deborah De Luca.
Photo: personal archive
Right after the unforgettable performance, which left hundreds of techno ravers hungry and thirsty in front of a packed hall, Deborah promised to return to Ljubljana soon. The one soon got delayed a bit, but that's why she is the first big name of the world techno scene to announce a performance at the relaunch of the scene on the sunny side of the Alps! Debora De Luca will thus enrich the stellar soundtrack, which under the banner of the #FUKSi festival has already been surpassed by the works of masters such as Morcheeba, Röyksopp, David Morales, Umek, Booka Shade, Jazzanova, Fun Lovin Criminals, Ø [Phase], Sladica, Tom Trago, Ten Walls and maybe others.
Photo: Marko Alpner
Fans of high-octane rock 'n' roll will have fun with beer, burgers and selected live music the night before. The first name of Friday night will be Siddhartha – in a full, energetic, loud and completely electrifying performance, which we already miss a lot! There is no need to introduce Tom and the band, as they are synonymous with excellent music and musical excesses, and this time you will be able to experience them at a new attractive venue!
Tickets are already on sale.