
Frida: photos of famous clothes from Frida Kahlo's wardrobe

Fired Kahlo dresses

Frida Kahlo was the most famous Mexican artist of the 20th century and an outstanding portraitist, but it is only through her clothes that we get to know in detail who Frida Kahlo really was. Shortly after her death in 1954, her husband, also an artist, Diego Rivera, had her most precious items locked in the bathroom of their famous Blue House in Mexico City for 15 years. But only with the death of the administrator of his estate in 2004 did the archive become accessible to the public. The artist Ishiuch Miyako was allowed to photograph some of her most famous relics and a series of photographs of the dresses was created called Frida.

Frida Kahlo she was not only famous for her portraits, in addition to more than 140 works of art she also liked to attract attention at dinner parties and in theaters with their clothes. Long skirts, richly embroidered blouses, fused eyebrows. He was the exact opposite of the fashion of the time, and over time her looks became as influential as her paintings. But her wardrobe was, as they say, just after her death half a century sealed. Today, they are more than in the series 300 relics (letters, photos,...) including her famous shoes, jewelry and dresses, which she still fills the smell of her perfume and cigarette smoke, as well as some smudges created during painting are still on them.

Frida's pink shoes.
Frida's pink shoes.

In the lens are her most recognizable pieces, too prosthetic leg (in her youth she was seriously injured in a traffic accident with a bus), caught Ishiuchi Miyako.

READ MORE: Quotes by Frida Kahlo that should serve as inspiration for young artists

Frida Kahlo was until now a style icon for the sake of her famous self-portraits, but it can happen that she will slowly change into a fashion icon. After all, she herself was convinced that her exterior was a mirror of her inner self.

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