
Friendship on trial: 7 signs that reveal the wrong friend

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Photo: Pexels / Toni Cuenca

Dear readers, I am once again calling from the world of life experiences, where we surrender to the waves of everyday life, the masks fall and everything happens directly - from the heart. How often does it happen to you that after a long day in the company of your favorite friend, you feel empty, tired or even disappointed? Friends are the ones who should be our support, a beacon and sometimes a mirror in which we can easily recognize ourselves. But what happens when that mirror doesn't reflect the right image?

This kind of separation can be very confusing, especially when everything around us seems to be screaming that we should be happy and grateful for the friendships we have. But what if something seems to be missing? How to recognize that what we feel is not just a momentary whim, but a sign that perhaps we should look at our friendships with different eyes? This is revealing the wrong friend!

the wrong friend
Photo: Pexels / Toni Cuenca

Let me trust you seven characters, which over the years have led me to realize that the friendships I thought were genuine may not have been as sincere as I believed. Let's look at them together…

Does not support your goals and dreams: I happened to share my excitement about new writing and my "real" friend quickly brought me down to earth by saying, "Don't you think that's a little too optimistic?" A true friend believes in your abilities and encourages you.

Photo: Pexels / Toni Cuenca

He doesn't respect your time: It happens that you miss, but when it keeps happening, it could be a sign of something else. When I waited for my friend for more than an hour, it seemed to me that I was just behind her on the to-do list.

She likes to spread rumours: I once overheard a "real" friend of mine sharing my personal stories with a group of people I barely knew. Trust is the foundation of friendship, without it it is difficult to talk about a sincere relationship.

She is constantly focused on herself: I remember calling her because I was having a bad day, but she quickly turned the conversation to her problems. A true friend listens and understands when you need her.

Photo: Pexels / Toni Cuenca

It has no boundaries: I remember the day my "real" friend took my things without permission. This was a huge sign of disrespect and lack of personal boundaries for me.

He doesn't value your opinion: Once when we were looking for a restaurant for dinner, she immediately rejected my suggestion. Friendship is also about compromise and valuing the other's opinion.

Friendship feels like an obligation: When spending time with her became more of a burden than a joy, I realized that something was wrong. Friendship should be a source of joy, not stress.

Dear readers, never forget that you deserve to be surrounded by people who truly appreciate and respect you. Be brave, ask for what you deserve and don't let anyone take you for granted self-evident.

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