
Cool Manfrotto Klyp+ photo case for cool iPhones

Manfrotto Klyp+ photo case

The iPhone is the most popular camera in the world, and Manfrotto makes one of the most popular mobile "accessories" for cell phones in the world, so the Manfrotto Klyp+ iPhone case is a logical consequence. Like most cases, this smartphone also protects against scratches and falls, but at the same time it allows us to take better photos, as we can attach various photographic equipment to it.

If you want yours to have iPhone everything that classic digital cameras have and operate, then it's perfect for you photo case Manfrotto Klyp+. Of course, it goes without saying that it is expected to protect the smartphone from drops and shocks, but Klyp+ goes a step further, as said. We can attach many photographic accessories to it, such as tripe attachmentd, LED flashlight and series of lenses– from flexible telephoto lens (1.5X and 3X) to fisheye. So it is a photographic solution all-in-one, which also allows the capture of artistic shots.

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The Manfrotto Klyp+ photo case is a big plus for the iPhone.
The Manfrotto Klyp+ photo case is a big plus for the iPhone.

The Manfrotto Klyp+ is available in white, black, red and pink for models iPhone 5, 5S, 6 and 6 Plus.

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