
Frivolus: the festival of street artists is coming to Koper

From October 14 to 16 this year, Frivolus - a festival of street artists - is coming to Koper for the first time. The festival will host clowns, jugglers, magicians, acrobats, actors, illusionists and more. A symphony of street musicians will put the finishing touches on the magical journey, which will entertain and enliven the streets of Koper for three days.

Important information
Koper, various venues
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Under the patronage City Municipality of Koper will be an event Frivolous opened in Koper for the first time this year, in the old city center, from October 14 to 16, 2016. The three-day cultural and artistic festival will host magicians, jugglers, acrobats, illusionists, players, musicians and the rest street artists, which will enliven the squares, streets and promenades... Get ready for crazy sets, colorful costumes, scary masks and incredible performances that will not leave you indifferent. In the morning, take your children to the magical world of circus performers, and then treat yourself to performances at a higher level, both foreign and domestic.

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Street artists are waiting for us in Koper.
Street artists are waiting for us in Koper.

There will be a program completely free and intended for the general public, from the youngest to the oldest, from domestic to foreign visitors. The three-day festival will take place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m and will be thematically divided into three program sections, the morning will be dedicated to performances for children and children's workshops, during the day various activities will take place on the main streets of Koper, and the evening will be dedicated to performances for adult visitors.
They will be with us at the festival of street artists artists from Germany with a time representation The Lost Wheels of Time, they will prepare a fire show for us Chupacabra, who come from Slovenia. Famous people come from Italy Skizzo & JF, who will juggle on unicycles. There won't even be a lack of acrobatics, as they will be with us El Cric from neighboring Croatia, and in the evening there will be a Slovenian group Creative enchanted with a point of light and fire.

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