
From F1 to F12: Function Key Tricks That Will Save You Time

The function keys – from F1 to F12 – sit at the top of our keyboard, and they're not just there to collect dust. The keys aren't called 'functional' for nothing, and some of them are really useful. So if you want to save some time, then see how the function keys from F1 to F12 will help you with this.

From F1 to F12 - tricks that will save you time:

  • F1 key opens help for almost any program.
  • F2 key allow renaming a document or an entire folder.
  • F3 key opens a search for the currently active application.
  • F4 key  the key combination Alt + F4 closes the active window.
  • F5 key refresh or reload the page or document.
  • F6 key moves the mouse to the search bar in most Internet browsers.

READ MORE: Tricks to make your computer run faster

  • F7 key is used to check spelling and grammar in Microsoft applications such as Microsoft Word.
  • F8 key is used to access the boot (boot menu) in Windows when we turn on the computer.
  • F9 key refresh a document in Microsoft Word and send and receive e-mail in Microsoft Outlook.
  • F10 key activates the open application menu. The combination Shift + F10 is a substitute for clicking with the right mouse button.
  • F11 key to enter and exit full-screen mode in an Internet browser.
  • F12 key opens 'save as' in Microsoft Word.

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