
A fruit that you can use instead of deodorant

It sounds almost too good to be true

Photo: Envato

Instead of applying your favorite deodorant under your armpits in the morning, you can now rely on a much more natural ingredient - a fruit that has similar effects.

Deodorant is part of our daily beauty routine. In recent years, however, criticism of its often harmful ingredients has grown louder.

Deodorant is a product, which prevents unpleasant odors, be it by masking the smell, destroying bacteria or preventing perspiration. They are a subgroup of deodorants antiperspirants, which prevent sweating and give the skin a feeling of tightness.

They belong here aluminum compounds, which are effective against sweating, but they are supposed to be harm our body.

The vast majority of deodorants contain this type of compound, which is said to cause many diseases and allergic reactions. Although there is no 100 % proof, it is still safer to choose another, more natural alternative. After all, we use deodorant throughout our lives, so it is important what we put on the skin and thus also in the body.

And it seems that now it is finally alternative found – and on a completely natural fruit basis – limes. As suggested by various beauty bloggers, this is an ingredient that is not only suitable for a great summer drink, it can also replace deodorant. Well, let's see if it's true.

Photo: Jessica Lewis / Pexels

How lime deodorant works

Cut an organic lime and apply it to your underarms right after showering, but don't use it after shaving. If this procedure is uncomfortable for you, you can apply lime juice to a clean cotton ball and place it under your armpit. Leave it on for a while to let it all dry.

Lime is used in many natural cosmetic preparations that give a pleasant fresh feeling and suppress unpleasant odors. Its natural acid changes the pH value of the skin. This should make it harder for bacteria to settle under the armpit.

If you will check or lime works, but be careful and careful not to do it when you are exposed strong sunlight. The sun causes a reaction, so a rash may appear on the spot.

But if you don't want to experiment and would still like to smell, luckily there are many products these days that which do not contain aluminum salts - nin that's great too.

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