
The Fujifilm XF10 takes photos that you can instantly upload to Instagram

Fujifilm is one of the world's largest photography companies. It is for this reason that every new product it launches is worth trying. This time, the new camera from the X series is in the spotlight.

Fujifilm he announced XF10, a new compact fixed-lens camera. This is presented as the successor of the model X70, which was released in 2016. Like its predecessor, the camera hides a focal length lens in a small body 18.5 mm and aperture f/2.8 and a large sensor ASP-C.

The device is capable of creating photos at resolution 24MP and 4K videos at frequency 15 frames per second. It can be operated via the touch screen, and it also offers a button to change the focus mode. Compared to the X70, which weighs 340 grams, the XF10 is slightly lighter. Its weight is 280 grams.

Although the camera has already impressed many people, it also has its drawbacks. For example, it does not have a flash attachment, a movable screen and aperture ring.

The XF10 offers ti quadratic mode, which allows the user to take photos in proportion 1 : 1. These are suitable for immediate publication on Instagram. The camera uses a wireless network to transfer images to other devices Bluetooth Low Energy.

The camera will be for buyers to choose from black and champagne gold color version, available in August. Its price is 500 dollars, which translates to 429 euros. For now, we cannot offer you information about the price and availability on the Slovenian market.

Gallery - Fujifilm XF10

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