
Funny but true: when you notice these changes, it's a sign that you've grown up

Funny but true: when you notice these changes, it's a sign that you've grown up

The world is changing faster than we can (can) adapt. There is nothing wrong with that - apparently, older people are even happier than younger people. What funny but true signs that you're getting old are true for you?

You can imagine that more time has passed since 2000, such as the differences between 1985 and 2000? And yet, to many of us, it seems that we are in a new millennium only entered yesterday. The world and society are changing faster than we can, and many people find it difficult to keep up with the progress.

But nothing for that - let it give you a boost, yes you discover new worldse, which were not available in your youth, or the opportunity to color young people's lives with their nostalgia.

Signs that you are getting old...

You suddenly don't like modern music anymore.

Do you think that only yesterday they played old rock and maybe Madonna on the radio, but today completely unknown genres of music dominate?

Are you convinced that old movies are better?

Maybe that's true, but maybe it's just the fact that the old films have already gone through the selection process and only the better and more important ones were kept.

You may not even follow modern music anymore.
You may not even follow modern music anymore.

Your parties are getting quieter.

Suddenly you can have parties without the neighbors calling the police.

In the middle of the party, you decide that the bed is more interesting.

During your teenage or college years, it probably didn't occur to you to go to bed before the party was over. Nowadays, however, this happens more and more often!

Wild parties are becoming rarer and rarer.
Wild parties are becoming rarer and rarer.

Your favorite song is over 20 years old.

Did you even notice? But what else is left for you, if today's music is extremely unusual for some people...

You have to take care of the correct posture.

It's getting harder and harder to afford to sit for long periods of time, because your back quickly starts to hurt. Pay attention to your health, we put it in second place all too quickly!

Your health is important!
Your health is important!

Cleanliness is becoming important.

You are becoming more and more intolerant of mess and impurity. Sometimes you even enjoy cleaning and it calms you down.

Do you have a favorite grocery store?

The period when you had to watch every penny is becoming more and more distant. Now you can buy food at your favorite store (at least occasionally).

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