
Futuristic technologies from movies that have been run over by time

Technologies from movies that have been run over by time.

Many innovations have been inspired by science fiction films, and film technology has often offered glimpses of the future. But if some high-tech and state-of-the-art technology seemed futuristic at the time, today it works incredibly funny and it's hard to imagine that it was once considered a technology resurrected before its time. Check out which futuristic ideas in movies have already run out of time.

Many science fiction movies, as well as James Bond type films, were served with technologies that were ahead of their time. But since we know how fast technology has progressed in recent decades, some that were once considered ground-breaking and futuristic are already time ran out.

READ MORE: Visual feast: 40 years of special effects in one minute

Movies as they are are victims of outdated technology Star Wars, Star Trek, Barbarella, The Perfect Memory and Eighth passenger.

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