
Ga ga ga…

Avant-garde artist Lady Gaga, who has been at the very top of the world music charts since the first hit Let's dance and who impresses with her unsurpassed fashion taste, will also use her image to mark the t-shirts of the New Yorker fashion clothing brand for young people. Her boldness, individual and provocative style completely...

Avant-garde artist Lady Gaga, who has been at the very top of the world music charts since the first hit Let's dance and who impresses with her unsurpassed fashion taste, will also use her image to mark the t-shirts of the New Yorker fashion clothing brand for young people. Her boldness, individual and provocative style perfectly correspond to the concept of the brand. White T-shirts with photo prints of the singer are available in all New Yorker stores from mid-May.


New Yorker Shop, Qlandia, Cesta 1. May 77, Kran,j in www.newyorker.de

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