
Game of Bones: Iron Throne for your pet

Game of Thrones fans, you can now buy the Iron Throne for your pet

The Internet is abuzz with the upcoming final season of Game of Thrones - all fans of the series are hoping to find out early who will occupy the Iron Throne, but information about the grand finale is shrouded in mystery. And while you're anxiously awaiting April 14th, it might be a good idea to turn your attention to something else for a moment—say, a pet that needs its own Iron Throne. Well, here we are again.

Forget impatience and adult movies, the internet has always been about pets, and now Game of Thrones. And if you combine the love of animals and the series, it is created the iron throne Game of Bones for a pet that your dog or cat deserves to have too.

photo: etsy.com
photo: etsy.com

Etsy user MadeforPets, who is obsessed with the series, has created a pet bed for your pet enjoyed, and looking at it will always remind you of series, which you love so much.

The bed is recommended for dogs and cats. And the road to Westeros will not be easy, especially from a financial point of view - for the Iron Throne you will shell out 212 pounds, which is about 250 euros. If things get really bad, you can always knock on the bank's door Iron Bank of Braavos. And by the way, they can deliver it right to Slovenia. 🙂

Gallery: Game of Bones

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