
'Gatsbying' is the latest trend in the dating world... and it's not as romantic as it sounds

Whether you're a book lover or a movie buff, you've probably heard of The Great Gatsby. The character, created by the American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, has become deeply embedded in popular culture.

Favorites Gatsby has now helped even k the new trend in the dating world, which is often used by young people present on social networks.

So what does the term "Gatsbying"? The word was first used on a blog Tomboy, which deals with lifestyle, and refers to deliberate fanfare in the desire to gain the attention of sympathy.

"Gatsbying" is not exactly romantic...
"Gatsbying" is not exactly romantic...

As "Gatsbying" we can therefore characterize the actions of those people who social networks like to brag. The creators got the inspiration for the word from To Jay Gatsby, which is to conquer Daisy's heart, arranged lavish parties.

The next time you see a photo on Instagram of a man surrounded by many women and bottles of expensive champagne, remember that there may be a deeper meaning behind it...

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