
Geeky bookshelves in the shape of a superhero logo

Superhero logo wall bookshelves

Despite what you've been told, you don't need a cape to be a superhero. You don't even need superpowers. All you need are bookshelves in the shape of superheroes' trademarks, and Burak Doğan can help you do just that. Bookshelves inspired by superhero logos like Superman and Captain America.

Under superheroes wall bookshelves, which will turn your boring living room into superhero lair, signed an industrial designer from Turkey Burak Doğan. Shelves are available in a variety of designs and in different color combinations, so you will definitely find one among them that will satisfy the geek in you.

READ MORE: These are the most creative bookshelves you've ever seen

The trademark of the superheroine Wonder Woman.
The trademark of the superheroine Wonder Woman.

And do we just think that they will more than just rest on these bookshelves comics and maybe a book? If you want one for yourself, contact the author at behance.net






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