

The festival will serve us with a varied program that will satisfy a very varied musical taste. Thus, in two days, groups such as: Zdenek Bily Dixiland Band, Big Band Krško, Frozenchild, Tide, Elvis Jackson and many others will perform.

Important information
Šolsko igrišče, pri Fakulteti za energetiko, Krško
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10 evrov v predprodaji, 15 evrov na dan festivala, v petek je vstop prost.

Festival nam bo postregel s pestrim programom, ki bo zadovoljil zelo razgiban glasbeni okus. Tako se bodo v dveh dneh zvrstile skupine, kot so: Zdenek Bily Dixiland Band, Big Band Krško, Frozenchild, Tide, Elvis Jackson in mnogi drugi.

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