
Get better results on Google with these tricks

What comes to mind when you think of an online search engine? Probably on Google. The latter, although there are a large number of variants available to Internet users, has established itself as a synonym for a search engine.

Do you know how to use Google as efficiently as possible? With a few simple tricks, you'll get the hits you've always wanted to find.

Exact phrases

Exact phrase.
Exact phrase.

Put the combination of words you want to find between quotation marks.

Missing words

Missing words.
Missing words.

Use an asterisk instead of the word that slipped your memory.

Selected words

Selected words.
Selected words.

If you don't want to get hits that contain a certain word, put a minus sign in front of the unwanted word.



If you insert the ~ sign before the searched word, Google will find its synonyms specifically for you.



If you are looking for products in a certain price range, you can narrow your search with two dots between the selected prices.

Search for specific pages

Search for specific pages.
Search for specific pages.

If you want Google to display only hits from a specific website, such as City Magazine, enter the desired phrase and site:citymagazine.si into the search engine.



If you insert the word link: before any link, you will find out on which websites the link has been mentioned.

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