
Get rid of dog smell once and for all: tips for clean and fragrant rooms

Photo: envato

Cleaning your home can be easy as long as you don't share it with furry creatures.

Cleaning your home is quite easy for some, but much less so for furry owners. The owners dogs we love our house pets, but the fact is that cleaning would be a lot easier without piles of hair and sometimes an unpleasant smell. These are tips on how to get rid of unpleasant odors.

Clean more often than those who don't have dogs

All of us who share our home with four-legged friends have to do housework much more often. This means that vacuuming and dusting are on the agenda much more often than usual. Regular cleaning is crucial, as dog hair and dander eat into carpets, furniture and the air.

Photo: Unsplash/Roberto Nickson

How to get rid of carpet odor

Sprinkle baking soda over the area of the carpet where the unpleasant odor is most concentrated. Allow the baking soda to work and absorb odors for at least 15 to 30 minutes. Then vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove all traces of baking soda. If the odor remains, consider using a carpet shampoo specially formulated to eliminate pet odors.

How to get rid of dog smell from the sofa

Cleaning the home can be anything but easy for dog owners. Even the sofa requires special care. Therefore, mix equal amounts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Vinegar will neutralize odors, so lightly spray unclean areas on the sofa. Since the purpose of vinegar is to neutralize odors and not to clean, it is not necessary for the fabric to be wet; just a mist is enough. Sprinkle another thin layer of baking soda on the damp areas and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Baking soda will absorb moisture and help neutralize odors. Allow the fabric to dry completely. Then vacuum the area thoroughly.

Photo: Unsplash/Sarandy Westfall

How to get rid of dog smell in the air

The most effective way is an air purifier with HEPA filter, which according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) removes at least 99.97 % of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria and all airborne particles. Choose an air purifier that will be efficient for the square footage of the room where you will place it. Also, check and replace or clean the filter regularly, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

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