
A giant sculpture made of barbies

Barbies are no longer just a toy. As the core of many debates about the manipulation of modern images of female ideals of beauty, this time they found their way into modern art. The Belgian artist Annette Thas created an incredible giant sculpture of a wave consisting of more than 3,000 barbies.

Three meters high extending giant wave above the sandy shore Cottesloe in Perth attracted many looks. It is an extraordinary installation with the title "Wave 1", which is a modern artist Annette Thas prepared as part of this year's Australian exhibition Sculpture by the Sea.

Anette Thas with her thoughtful installation "Wave 1". Photo: Jessica Wyld.
Anette Thas with her thoughtful installation "Wave 1". Photo: Jessica Wyld.

Inspired by Thas's powerfully emotional memories of tragic events from childhood, she wanted to find a globally representative element for an expression of transience and at the same time the pricelessness of time. Barbies like a symbol of carefree children's play and an influential icon on the modern image of the ideal woman, therefore seemed to be the right choice.

A giant wave sculpture thus composes thousands of second-hand barbies, collected over time and in a variety of ways, hiding many eloquent ones stories of their "past" lives. Despite its bizarreness, the well-thought-out, free-standing sculpture fits perfectly into the marine environment, which is why it has earned Sculpture by the Sea visitor award.

See more photos of the giant barbie sculpture on Perth's waterfront in the gallery below:

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