
Giant megaphones for nature Ruup or When nature raises its voice

Megaphones Ruup

A group of architecture students at the Estonian Academy of Fine Arts installed three extra-large wooden Ruup megaphones in a small clearing in the middle of a forest in Võru County, Estonia. Fusing modern architecture with wilderness, the acoustic installation is a place of meditation, relaxation and performance, amplifying the sounds of nature such as birdsong and rustling leaves.

A small clearing in the middle of the forest in Võru County in Estonia is richer for unusual installations (Ruup), three big ones wooden megaphones with a diameter of three meters, which allow us to hear better the voices of nature. Everyone has access to them, and megaphones are not scattered randomly, but the distance between them is strictly determined, as well as under which they are placed. It creates all this unique and refined sound, which the visitor can fully experience by standing at their intersection.

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Installation is not just a place for rest and relaxation, but it can also serve as a stage. He is the author of the idea Birgit Õigus, and the group of students was led by the designers Tõnis Kalve and Ahti Grünberg and the architectural bureau b210.

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