Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren Square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are welcome to see for yourself! *** The duo operates under...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are welcome to see for yourself!
Duo deluje pod umetniškim vodstvom basista Tadeja Kampla. Le-ta je priznan basist, ki sodeluje z mnogimi slovenskimi glasbeniki, med drugim z Neisho, Zoranom Predinom, Karmen Stavec in še z mnogimi drugimi. Zasedba redno koncertira v kultnem mariborskem jazz klubu Satchmo in drugod po Sloveniji ter Austriji.
Z odličnim kitaristom Igorjem Bezgetom sta znane narodne napeve balkanskih korenin preoblekla v gypsy-swing preobleko, z jazzovskim pridihom.
Igor Bezget – kitara
Tadej Kampl – bas