
Girl Eat World - An Instagram profile that makes us drool

Girl Eat World is a wonderful mix of food, travel and good energy. It's a great Instagram profile, full of inspiring photos from far-flung corners of the world, in which we can see the landscape features of a particular place in the background, while in the foreground we can admire a dish typical of the region. Embark on a fabulous culinary journey with an Instagram profile that makes us drool…

Food, travel and good energy. Who could want more? Because we love blogs and Instagram profiles, with which we can "discover" new corners of the world and "taste" colorful food, we couldn't pass up an excellent Instagram profile Girl Eat World, which enchants every enthusiastic "foodie".

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Girl Eat World
Girl Eat World

He stands behind the Instagram profile Melissa Hie, young adventurer, blogger and lover of good food and inspiring photography. In 2009, she discovered her passion and embarked on a journey around the world, on which she is still discovering wonderful destinations where tastes local specialties and shares them with us in a heartfelt way. With her help, we find out what to try on the bubbling streets Singapore, Hong Kong, London, Paris and elsewhere in the world

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