
Girls trust us with the size of the ideal man!

If we ask a girl to describe how she imagines an ideal male organ, we can expect two possible outcomes: either the girl will "unintentionally" offend the boy or she will receive approval, and it all depends on the relationship in which the boy and the girl are. And that's why we rarely get a real or honest answer to this question. What if girls were challenged to draw a penis? What will they imagine?!

At Elite Daily, they managed to challenge some girls who were willing to sit down at the table and draw what they see on the lower half of a man's naked body, or rather what they want to see. That's right, the girls drew their ideal penis. But even before they created their own kind of art, they described the penis and trusted what the real size of the penis is. And the answer? Of course, girls have different opinions, and they would limit the size of the ideal penis from 18 centimeters to 25 centimeters.

READ MORE: Scientists measured 15 thousand penises and finally found out its average length

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