
The glass panoramic path on the cliff - from the height it spins!

Glass Panorama Route in China

In China, a new glass attraction was opened high above the ground. After a 430-meter glass-bottomed bridge that climbs over a 300-meter chasm, another 1.6-meter-wide and 100-meter-long winding panoramic path has now been opened, which hugs the cliff and winds hundreds of meters above the ground.

China is richer for the new one glass panoramic path. It is already the third glass attraction in the province Hunan, this time with a view of the tortuous a road with 99 serpentines, which wind towards the Tianmen or Tian Menshan mountain.

Would you dare to walk along this glass panoramic path?
Would you dare to walk along this glass panoramic path?

Finally, they are in this region (more precisely in Zhangjiajie canyon) opened a 430-meter glass bottom bridge, which with a height of 300 meters became the longest and highest glass bridge in the world (this area can also boast of the longest mountain cable car in the world). Even more than the bridge itself, which was opened less than a year ago, it attracted a safety test, when they knocked on the glass with macola and drove a car over it to prove that the bridge is completely safe to cross despite the not very thick glass.

READ MORE: The longest glass bridge in the world was opened in China, which lies as much as 180 meters above the ground!

The new glass panoramic route that is 100 meters long and 1.6 meters wide, clings like a bench to a cliff hundreds of meters above the ground. Everyone who panic attacks during a walk or dizziness, they can take refuge on the wooden edge just off the cliff.

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