
Godart - Live

A new performance by the duo that combines music, humor and magic. Pianist Jure Godler and cellist Tilen Artač, after their performance at the famous Comedy & Magic Club Hermosa Beach in Los Angeles, prepared a new show where they have fun with classical music. They take us to a classical opera, and they take with them the Beatles, Michael...

Important information
City Theatre, BTC City, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Nova predstava dua, ki povezuje glasbo, humor in čarovnije. Pianist Jure Godler in violončelist Tilen Artač sta po nastopu v znanem Comedy & Magic Clubu Hermosa Beach v Los Angelesu pripravila novo predstavo, kjer se pozabavata s klasično glasbo. Popeljeta nas v klasično opero, s seboj pa vzameta še Beatle, Michaela Jacksona, Britney Spears, Lady GaGa … , kar je izhodišče za humorno glasbeno popotovanje.

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