A new performance by the duo that combines music, humor and magic. Pianist Jure Godler and cellist Tilen Artač, after their performance at the famous Comedy & Magic Club Hermosa Beach in Los Angeles, prepared a new show where they have fun with classical music. They take us to a classical opera, and they take with them the Beatles, Michael...
Nova predstava dua, ki povezuje glasbo, humor in čarovnije. Pianist Jure Godler in violončelist Tilen Artač sta po nastopu v znanem Comedy & Magic Clubu Hermosa Beach v Los Angelesu pripravila novo predstavo, kjer se pozabavata s klasično glasbo. Popeljeta nas v klasično opero, s seboj pa vzameta še Beatle, Michaela Jacksona, Britney Spears, Lady GaGa … , kar je izhodišče za humorno glasbeno popotovanje.