
Good evening Jazzers

Attention jazz lovers in Slovenjske Konjice! We are looking forward to an evening of jazz standards, completely free of charge. With good company and a glass of beer in hand, we will be able to indulge in the seductive sounds of jazz music, which is sometimes mischievous, sometimes very listenable, sometimes experimental, but always interesting and...

Important information
MC Patriot, Žička 4a, Slovenske Konjice
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Attention jazz lovers in Slovenjske Konjice! We are looking forward to an evening of jazz standards, completely free of charge. With good company and a glass of beer in hand, we will be able to indulge in the seductive sounds of jazz music, which is sometimes mischievous, sometimes very listenable, sometimes experimental, but always interesting and playful.

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