
Good habits that will take us 5 minutes, but at the same time change our life

Good habits are those that make our life easier and a peaceful adventure rather than a nervous war. Why? Good habits allow us to keep smaller things under control while solving bigger ones. With good habits, we can sail through life more easily. Here are ten good habits that will only take five minutes, but will make life more enjoyable.

1. Let's make the bed.

There is something demoralizing and depressing about the messy bed we find when we get home from work. And an unmade bed makes our bedroom dirty and sad at most, but not "sexy" in any way. Making the bed after ourselves will make us feel like we have the basics of life under control.

2. Floss your teeth daily.

Yes, flossing sounds boring, but there are a million reasons why it's good to do it twice a day. Flossing will prevent both bad breath and problems with teeth and gums. In this way, we will finance periodontics instead of ourselves.

3. Let's learn to give thanks.

We have become a society that refuses to use manners. We find them too formal. But gratitude is a necessity if we want other people to cooperate with us. Likewise, the lack of the word "thank you" will lead to the fact that no one will want to help us anymore, even in real problems.

4. We leave home early.

We always leave home at least five minutes earlier than necessary. In this way, we will not destroy our karma and curse those who cause traffic jams.

5. We make our own coffee.

The easiest thing to do in the morning rush is to take a coffee in one of the cafes that offers "coffee for you". But why waste money? Doing so makes sense when we can sit down and chat in peace in a cafe. But if we spend unnecessary money on "takeaway coffee" every day, we will be spending money on things for which we pay more than necessary. And it's a bad habit.

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6. Opt for generous tips.

Being in a profession where people serve other people is hard work. The added pressure of interacting with millions of different personalities doesn't make it any easier. The least we can do as a customer is tip them a little for a job well done. And then we can go about our day knowing that we voluntarily did a good thing for another human being.

7. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink.

If the kitchen is full of dirty dishes, it's not just ugly. This is also a magnet for various insects (flies, cockroaches, ants, etc.). If we get into the habit of washing the dishes after using them, we will take care of a beautiful home, and at the same time we will save money that would otherwise be allocated to various exterminators.

8. Let's try to leave each room in a better condition than when we entered it.

When we go through our house or apartment, we tidy up a bit. We will be surprised how organized and orderly our environment is in the end. Regardless of where we live, we have the choice to arrange a beautiful living space or live in a mess. We will be happier and feel better if we live in beauty.

9. Let's give compliments.

Just as we are reluctant to say "thank you", we are also reluctant to praise others. But giving compliments is an important skill. And nothing too late. A compliment is just a collection of good thoughts that occurred to us during the day and we have not yet expressed them out loud. We often notice that the people around us have a good haircut, dress or have done a great job, but we rarely express it. When we know how to truly praise others, our relationships improve and we also feel better about ourselves.

10. We make sure that our means of transport is always ready.

We all need to get somewhere on time - and get there safely. It is important that our petrol tank is always sufficiently full. If our transport is public transport, then it is important that our cards have enough money loaded. Even if our transport is a taxi, it is good to call sig a on time or even better, early.

It's funny how little things like that can make our lives run so much more smoothly. We feel better, and at the same time our relationships are more stable, our homes are more pleasant and life is less stressful.

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