
Google Arts & Culture: The app now tells you which famous painting you resemble

The era of selfies is firmly rooted in modern history, and maybe even our children will learn about it in schools. Considering the speed of changing trends and the progress of technology, it is possible to conclude that they will be eradicated in a decade or so. But for now, we can still enjoy them. Now that we have a phone full of them, we can use them for another fun thing or app.

At to Google they are not standing still and have developed another fun app – Arts & Culture.

You can upload one of your own (better ones anyway) to the app of selfies and you compare your face with one of the historical figures, which were depicted on canvas. The native way, you find your own double.

The application will measured your face and honey 70,000 works of art, which she has 'in stock', searched for the face that most resembles yours.

Definitely good fun if the bus ride is taking too long or if you're sitting in the doctor's waiting room.

Well, some people are not so lucky.
Well, some people are not so lucky.

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