
Google Earth: The most stunning aerial images of the Earth captured by satellites in the last ten years

Stunning aerial images for Google Earth

Google Earth, or Google Earth, as we call it, is celebrating 10 years! Yes, you read that right. It was written on June 28, 2005, which forever changed our behavior and outlook on the world. To mark the occasion, Google engineers have added 1,500 new photos to the Google Earth Earth View "library," where they collect the most stunning aerial images captured by their satellites, and we've rounded up some of the best.

Most stunning aerial images of the Earth, which in ten years for Google Earth recorded satellites orbiting 650 kilometers above our heads can be found in the "library" Earth View (browser plugin). This one has recently been richer for 1500 new clips.

READ MORE: Google Earth: what strange things can be found on the digital globe

Earth View is a project that started more than not by chance and grew into its own branch or a kind of "spin-off" of the Google Earth program. Below you will find some the best photos, which it possesses.

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