
Google Earth: what strange things can be found on the digital globe

Globes that have been spinning since 1492 have been given a whole new dimension with Google Earth, a digital globe. Everything in this world has become within reach and we can put our eyes on almost every corner of the world. Latitudes and longitudes have become something fun, not just something to weigh us with in geography and geography. Look at all the strange things he has already found.

Google Earth it is the tool that allows us to fly anywhere on Earth from a domestic chair, and many important ones were also found with it discoveries, e.g. untouched forest in Mozambique and the remains of a Roman villa.

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Because the service has become a toy many people who use a computer and because human curiosity, like Google Earth, knows no bounds, it also found itself with it recordings, who did not find their way into the historical or archeology books, but in the rubric unusual or even bizarre. Since you won't learn about the latter two in school, we will teach you about them. By the way. Although Google Earth can find almost anything, it doesn't Atlantis still eluding. Can you find it?

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