
Google Gboard Mini: Create your own collection of emoticons

Emoticons have become an everyday part of our lives. You probably don't imagine that they can't be used when talking on social networks. They think the same at Google.

Google it's through your keyboard Google Gboard launched thumbnails Mini, which are intended for users of operating systems iOS and Android. A special mechanism is able to create yours from your photo using a machine learning method personal emoticon.

A combination machine learning, neural networks and artistic illustrations ensure as much as possible a vivid presentation of the individual. Your character will be created based on characteristics, such as skin color, hairstyle color and style, face shape and facial hair.

Interesting, isn't it?
Interesting, isn't it?

You can access Mini through the Google Keyboard Gboard. You start the process of creating your emoticon by recording selfie. The system will then automatically create both yours avatar as well as different thumbnail packs.

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How do Google stickers work?

Mini thumbnails were introduced last year for the needs of the conversational application Hello. Google has now decided to extend the function to its other products as well.

Compared to the version that came out last year, the Mini can do quite a bit 100 new thumbnails. These are classified into two groups, namely “Bold” (bold) and “Sweet" (nice). This way you will have a lot of freedom in what mood to show in the conversation.

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