
Google Pixel Slate: a tablet that will be serious competition to iPad and Surface

Google Pixel Slate

Who would have thought that Google would publicly admit that Android is not suitable for tablets, and therefore cannot compete with iPads and Surfaces. The Google Pixel Slate tablet has both Chrome OS.

Google is in spite of itself history of tablets afforded a brand new start and created a tablet Google Pixel Slate. Not just because system, but also because of Eighth generation Intel processors, from Celeron to i7.

It will also be suitable for this the price, which will start at six hundred euros for a tablet without a cover, in which he hides keyboard. With it, the tablet can be used as a portable computer. Chrome OS is upgraded as it allows running two applications simultaneously as well as installing programs that are made for the system Linux. This makes it a tablet a powerful tool to work even in cases without an internet connection.

Google devoted the most words to the screen - It is 31 centimeters (12.6 inches) from bottom to top, but it's also easy to remember resolution - 2000 by 3000 pixels. They call him molecular screen – it is one of the liquid crystal display technologies. As they claim, it should be light, the display of colors is accurate, and the viewing angle is wide. So good screen, but not at the level of OLED screens. There is sound good, but nothing shocking, as the tablet, like many of them, has two built-in speaker, except that contrary to some, this emit sound through the front towards the user.

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