
Google Translate: the mobile application also translates using the camera

As if the Google Translate mobile application was not already popular enough, the new version of this mobile software has received additional useful functions and, among other things, now offers translation with the help of a digital camera, which allows you to capture text in an incomprehensible language and, without the need for connection to the World Wide Web, translates in real time.

With a mobile app Google Translate can users both from Android like iOS camps are translated (and broadcast) text and voice messages in sixty languages. The new, even faster and more stable version breaks down another language barrier. With help digital camera namely, it is possible to capture an incomprehensible text, which the application can then practically use without the help of the web in real time translates. It just needs language pack on memory, but currently "drives" on English-French, English-German, English-Italian, English-Portuguese, English-Russian and English-Spanish relations, and Google will add new ones over the course of the year.

READ MORE: Skype Translator - translation of the conversation in real time

On iOS devices but is now also available conversational mode, because of which we no need to know the language the one on the other side of the "wire", as Google Translate recognizes it by itself. How? During the conversation, the words automatically appear on the screen in the language we have chosen. When the other person speaks, his or her words appear on the screen in English. What is particularly convenient here is that the app does not need to be told who is speaking. Automatic language detector in translation it therefore means more fluent conversations between two people who do not speak the same language. Watch the demonstration in the video:

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