
Gorpcore: the fashion trend that took the world by storm

Photo: H&M

Are you wondering why you see more and more windbreakers, vests and hiking boots on the streets and in fashion stores? The reason is the "gorpcore" fashion trend, which represents the contrast of two worlds: style and practicality and hiking and relaxed walks. In a trend that is suitable for everyone - both those who are always ready for an active lifestyle in nature, as well as those who prefer city streets.

It's no secret that the pandemic has completely changed our way of life, moving us from crowds at events and parties to solitude and peace of nature. And this can definitely be seen in the trends currently reigning in the fashion world - one of them is the so-called gorpcore.

Gorpcore is an abbreviation for the term "good old raisins and peanuts" (good old raisins and peanuts – a typical hiker's snack). It was first used by a writer at a web portal The Cut Jason Chen in 2017, but this way of dressing has been around for a long time before that under the names “camping-chic" and "granola-wear“.

But what exactly does gorpcore encompass? This is a trend that combines two ways of dressing: the first is intended hiking in nature, and others a relaxed walk around the city. This means mixing casual clothes with pieces worn by hikers – it can be that way caps and backpacks like jackets and hiking boots.

Of course, the fashion houses immediately noticed the interest in clothes that are suitable for hiking far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. So we could first notice Gorpcore on high fashion magazines. One of the most important steps towards this trend was cooperation Gucci with a brand The North Face, known for clothing for hiking and outdoor activities. It wasn't long after that gorpcore began to reign even among the brands whose clothes we wear every day.


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H&M's vest for Gorpcor lovers Photo: H&M

If this way of dressing has impressed you, then you must be looking forward to finding new additions to your wardrobe. The most important pieces you can put on are sure windbreaker, raincoat, fleece jacket, puffer jacket, sweater and cargo pants. You can put on your shoes hiking boots, Sneakers or boots, and you will best brighten up your outfit with cap or cap.

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