
Great Kitten wants to open the world's first cat cinema

Greet Kittens opens the world's first cat cinema.

London start-up Great Kittens hopes to open the world's first cat cinema, which would be both a cafe and a sanctuary for these adorable furry four-legged friends. With it, they want to bring cats closer to people through film, food and coffee, and there will also be free cat therapies for people with mental and health problems and the disabled. The project is currently fundraising on Indiegogo.

If there will be a duo Great Kitten (Paula Siedleck and William Piper) on Indiegogo has collected enough start-up funds, we are looking forward to it soon the world's first cat cinema. This will join the many cat cafes around the world that have been a fixture in the Far East for several years, and we recently got our own in Slovenia as well (Cat Cafe Ljubljana).

Would you go to the cinema with cats for company?
Would you go to the cinema with cats for company?

If the project is successful, Great Kittens hopes to broadcast ten movies a week, where viewers will be able to cuddle and enjoy each other's company while watching ten adopted and people-friendly cats, sipped coffee and had a cake.

READ MORE: Prrrofesionalci: The world's first cat recruitment agency opened in Slovenia!

If you think the idea of a cat cinema is overkill, you'll probably question your opinion after we tell you that they'll also offer weekly free cat therapy for people with mental and physical problems and for the disabled. Why? Just because 15 to 30 minutes of socializing with the cat scientifically proven reduces stress and anxiety, so they are very useful for people who suffer from depression, eating disorders, Down's and Asperger's syndrome and other psychological problems, as well as diseases such as cancer, tumors, heart disease, etc. Socializing reduces the level of stress hormones cortisol, while at the same time raising the level serotonin, which we affectionately call the hormone of happiness.

The only thing missing is you.
The only thing missing is you.

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