
A great way to use up leftover Easter eggs

Easter eggs

If you're going to paint too many Easter eggs this year and you're left with eggs on the table or in the fridge and you don't know how to redeem them, we have a fantastic idea for you. A sinful snack that will go down better at parties than any alcohol, chips and popsicles!

If your household's refrigerator also remained full Easter eggs, we have a great idea for you on how to spend them. Pyrrha or hard-boiled eggs can of course be used for salads, spreads, sandwiches and snacks, but you've never seen such a sinfully good use of Easter eggs. With a few extra ingredients, turn them into a snack to experience culinary ecstasy!

READ MORE: Original ideas for Easter parties

Turn Easter eggs into a delicious snack.
Turn Easter eggs into a delicious snack.

Preparation process you can see in the video above.

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