
Grilosodes – the first trailer for the new season of snowboarder Marko Grilc's web episodes

At the beginning of October, Slovenian snowboarder Marko Grilc starts the fourth season of "Grilosodes" - a series of globally popular boarder web episodes filmed in various parts of the world: from California to the Netherlands, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and all the way to the Republic of South Africa and Australia. We present to you the first trailer for the new season of "Grilosodes"!

Marko Grilc, extremely recognized in the world snowboarder (if necessary, he also goes to skate or surf), he is kind of the modern nomad. He spends much more time abroad and on the road than at home. He says that for many people, home is the apartment or house they live in, but for him, home is just being with his family, anywhere in the world, that's all.

With "Grills" is entering its fourth season, and for two years in a row it has been this kind of "reality show" of travel professional boarder, the most watched snowboard series that can be followed online (redbull.com and on YouTube). He says that he is lucky that he chooses the locations himself. He often wants to show the action at the highest level where few have ever boarded or where people often ask where they will even find snow; for example in South Africa, Morocco, the Netherlands or Australia!

”The first glimpse of the new season GRILOSODES!”

For this time eight episodes of Grilosodes (the first one will be released October 6, next the first Monday of every month throughout the season) will travel a lot. In fact, much more than a good 40 thousand kilometers, which is the circumference of the Earth along the equator. "We started the season with a plane ticket around the world, then we will travel half of Europe and in between 'jump' to America a few more times," he said Marko Grilc, which this time planned a visit to boarder-exotic Australia, South Africa, the Netherlands and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Austria and the USA (California, Colorado).

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