
Hackers promised a million reward for breaking into the iPhone

iPhone Hacking

Hack iPhone and win a million prize! Apple recently decided to reward the discovery of software bugs. It is offering up to $200,000 in rewards to experts who find the flaws. The offer is tempting, but even more tempting is the offer of the start-up company Zerodium, a dealer of security holes, which this time promises a reward of one and a half million dollars to the hacker (the price has not yet said the last word, as it is still growing) who succeeds in breaking into iOS 10 and take full control of your iPhone. Come to the dark side! We have cookies.''

A startup company Zerodium this time announced the prize worth 1.5 million US dollarsv to discover vulnerabilities (bugs and security holes) that enable taking control of your iPhone. The main task of hackers is hack iPhone with iOS 10 operating system from a remote device and unlock it. You could with this distance installed an app on the phone with permissions to access all phone functions and take full control of the device.

Apple offers you 200 thousand US dollars reward, Zerodium 1.5 million. A seemingly easy decision, but…
Apple offers you 200 thousand US dollars reward, Zerodium 1.5 million. A seemingly easy decision, but…

If a hacker discovers unknown security holes in the iOS 10 operating system, for which Zerodium has announced prizes, depending on the importance of the "find", it awards him a financial reward in the amount of from 40 thousand to 1.5 million US dollars (see table).

Prizes announced.
Prizes announced

Security holes in operating systems mobile devices are increasingly sought after and a prized commodity, especially for iOS, which is really a tough nut to crack. Before an unknown group of hackers rose to Zerodium's challenge last year, iOS was for hackers an unsolvable puzzle for two years. How tough will iOS 10 prove to be? Although the previous tenders were quite short in time, this one lasts a whole year.

READ MORE: What does iOS 10 bring, the best mobile operating system at the moment?

Your iPhone is in danger!
Your iPhone is in danger!

Zerodium does not keep security holes for itself, but sells them on to organizations such as CIA and NSA. If you are a hacker or an IT expert and you find doing so morally objectionable, you can work for the "good guys" (read Apple) and help them detect bugs in the software. But you will have to settle for a much smaller, although still high reward - 200 thousand US dollars. Apple has only recently adopted a reward system that giants like them have already decided on Google, Microsoft and Facebook.

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