
Hairdressers advise: Do not blow-dry your hair immediately after washing!

Proper drying is the key to healthy and shiny hair

Photo: envato

Blow drying is a crucial step in a careful hair care routine, but we often make mistakes that can damage our hair. If you want to have healthy, shiny and perfectly styled hair, it is important to avoid the following five most common hair drying mistakes.

For proper hair drying, which will preserve their health and shine, it is crucial to avoid the most common mistakes. Whether you choose to blow dry or blow dry, always make sure that your hair is treated with gentle care. By following the correct drying techniques and using styling products sparingly, you can achieve flawless results that will make your hair shiny, healthy and full of life.

Avoiding is crucial for healthy, shiny and beautiful hair these mistakes and follow proper drying techniques. This will ensure that yours are healthy and shiny.

Dry your hair with a towel before drying. Photo: Jaroslav/Pexels

1. Drying too wet hair

One of the most common and damaging mistakes when drying hair is drying it while it's dry hair still too wet. Wet hair is more sensitive and prone to injury. To prevent breakage and reduce the risk of damage, gently squeeze excess water out of your hair after washing, then continue drying.

2. Excessive use of styling products

While hair styling products are helpful in creating the desired style, they can excessive use of these products weighs the hair down and takes away their natural shine. Instead of going overboard using different gels, foams, waxes and sprays, opt for a moderate amount of product that will be sufficient for the desired effect without weighing down the hair.

3. Drying all the hair at the same time

One of the common mistakes in drying hair is drying all the hair at the same time. This can lead to uneven drying and insufficient volume at the roots. Instead, separate your hair into smaller strands and dry them in sections. This will ensure more even drying and more volume.

Dry your hair at the ends. Photo: Voitkevich/Pexels

4. Not using the hair dryer attachment

A hair dryer attachment is not just an accessory to throw away. In fact is a key drying aid hair, as it directs the air in a certain direction, which facilitates styling and reduces hair damage. For smooth and shiny results, don't forget to use a blow dryer attachment.

5. Drying at too high a temperature

Temperature too high can cause damage to the hair fiber, leading to breakage and split ends. To protect your hair from this type of damage, use a blow dryer on medium or low heat and also use a heat protection spray that will further protect your hair from the harmful effects of heat.

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