
Hairstyles 2017: hair coloring with a stencil (DIY)

Thinking of a new hairstyle? Thinking of something bold? About something different? Then it's time to tackle your hair in a slightly different way. Hair coloring with a stencil is definitely one of those. The advantage of the trend, which appeared already in the middle of 2016, is that you do not need to visit a hairdresser for a change, although it will seem that you have spent hours there.

Colorful hair coloring with a stencil it struck like lightning out of the blue on Instagram in the middle of last summer. The avalanche was triggered by an artist and stylist Janine Ker, who created everything from dots of color to more complex paintings, such as geometric and animal patterns, on her clients' hairstyles.

READ MORE: Men's hairstyles 2017: 5 top trends

The best thing about it all is that with a little imagination and color reception or you can think of this type of hairstyle yourself. How to dye hair with a stencil, see the attached video above.

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