

Almost two decades have passed since the last performance of Shakespeare's verses "To be or not to be" on the SNG Drama stage. Such a time break not only encourages, but also calls to revisit, at the same time, reconsider the ever-current story about important life decisions. Although it is a theater classic...

Important information
SNG Drama, Erjavčeva 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 8 to 18 euros.

Almost two decades have passed since the last performance of Shakespeare's verses "To be or not to be" on the SNG Drama stage. Such a time break not only encourages, but also calls to revisit, at the same time, reconsider the ever-current story about important life decisions. Although it is a theater classic from more than 400 years ago, each theater generation rethinks the tragedy from the Danish court. This time, the representatives of the newest generation are first the translator Srečko Fišer, who prepared a new translation especially for the performance. Playwright Žanina Mirčevska, director Eduard Miler and some of the most prominent acting names at the moment are also struggling with the text: Marko Mandič, Igor Samobor, Jernej Šugman, Nataša Barbara Gračner, Polona Juh, Klemen Slakonja... The main actors of the new production promise a performance that is multifaceted begins the problem of courage, determination, activity and redefining the meaning of the individual as an active and responsible co-creator of the modern spirit and time. According to the promises, Shakespeare's drama, although old, will more than symbolically intervene in today's time, more precisely in ourselves, as citizens, who with our actions shape our own destiny and the destinies of the people next to us. Hamlet's task is not only superficial - i.e. revenge for his father's death. It is primarily about those tasks that enable ethical order, prosperity, sensitivity and listening to fellow human beings. The most anticipated premiere of this year's theater season will most likely remain popular for a good part of this year.

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