
Handmade hangers for indoor plants

Hangers for indoor plants

The handmade indoor plant hangers “Colour Pop” and “Tassel” are a beautiful product by New Zealand designer Kathryn Leah Payne. The cute home accessory is perfect for anyone who would like to bring some colorful freshness into their home.

Handmade in New Zealand, colorful and made from natural materials. Hangers for indoor plants, created from the creative hands of a talented designer Kathryn Leah Payne, are made of sheepskin, brass and rope. Now we can also choose from colorful ones "Colour Pop" and leather ones "Tassel". These are limited collections, derived from the original leather collection "Leather Plant Hanger". The hangers are designed for flower pots with a diameter of 13.5 centimeters and are available in different colors - red, blue, green, purple, black, pearl and brown.

READ MORE: “Rainy Pot”: “Rainy” pots for flowers

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